I don’t want to spoil it for you, though. It’s not the story I want to talk about (go and see it!) - it’s all that pink. The Grand Budapest Hotel is one of Wes Anderson’s most visually stunning films, in an ouvre packed with them. My particular favourite image is there on the film poster - a doll’s-house version of the hotel, resembling confectionery in its incredible, multiple-tiered pinkness, all topped off with a big, arched sign giving its name. Set against the backdrop of dramatic mountains (complete with stag), it’s a mirage, surreal and brilliant - and it’s the work of graphic designer Annie Atkins, who created the poster, alongside every single graphic prop in the entire film.
It's a wonderful film, the touches of tragicomedy just catching all that pink before it topples over into schmaltz - go and see it!